Solvis company product catalog

Solvis company product catalog

The challenge of products catalog design and services that will transref an elegant and stylishly unobtrusive but powerful message in this project was highly emphasized. The product and its quality had to remain absolutely in the focus of the observer, and the visuals"packaging" had to put the emphasis on the content itself.

Catalog design with the original production photo

We created decency by a pure and harmonious form where the original product photos, production images and text through a proper structure are linked to in a readable whole. Already designing catalog cover page as a stylized element of the specific structure of photovoltaic cells linked in a module, gives a hint for precision and ease of communication.

Communication element of quality we decided to further introduce through the use of metallized blue color which combined with white and yellow-orange subconsciously represents sky, sun and clouds - the natural space of the solar energy source. This approach required more complicated catalog prepress, which was reflected in all stages of realization. Here comes to the high quality application of technological processes that are reflected in the planning and shaping phase, as well as good communication with the client in order to define all the parameters as clearly and precisely as possible. Of course, additional investments in time, knowledge and creative approach are always recognizable in the final result.

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