Corporate materials design for FIMA group

Corporate materials design for FIMA group

Issuance of financial reports to some companies is not just an obligation to inform the public about business results, but also the opportunity to present it in a specific and creative way.

Unussual and interesting Annual Report design

For Fima company we designed an annual report that will simultaneously communicate the exact financial indicators, basic information about the business system and the overview of the most important events in the past year. We chose the name "Chronicle" which, at first glance, disregards the classic approach, but also gives insight into material content. First part was completely created as a financial report, a minimalist style with an absolute focus on "numbers". Subsequently, there is a "transformation" in the "rich" designed material of a playful background in the spirit of the old Chronicles. This delivers the dynamics of the presentation, but at the same time communicates the concepts of tradition and experience in relation to modern and rational thinking as the company basic features.

In the second part, the chronological overview of the past year is presented graphically with news clips from the newspaper, business articles, and brief articles about everyday life events. As a creative link to the entire material, a customized color system and a recognizable style were used.

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How to talk, how to behave

The manual on Fima internal communication determinants basically is a set of defined rules of conduct and correspondence. In order to bring such "solid" topics closer to those to whom they refer to, we have created a visual framework in which we use the non-binding and humorous style to send out messages in a fun way.

Activation of attention was enhanced by the use of clean and strong colors with the use of clear graphic elements symbolism. That way, we have eliminated the initial hostility that can be created by the content based on a series of instructions and enable it to be viewed from the aspect of improving communication and mutual relationships.

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